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How does structural racism impact on data and AI?
Why we need to acknowledge that structural racism is a fundamental driver and cause of the data divide
Season’s greetings: goodbye to 2020 and the 12 months of Ada
Four policy-facing reports, three citizens’ juries, two expert working groups and a global pandemic
Ada Lovelace Institute’s JUST AI network announces £40,000 AHRC support for projects addressing racial justice and AI ethics
Grants for projects designed to surface alternative, critical and diverse perspectives on data and AI in relation to racial justice.
Announcing the four JUST AI AHRC-funded Fellowships to address racial justice and AI ethics
The Ada Lovelace Institute’s JUST AI network is delighted to announce the four awardees of the JUST AI Fellowship.
Black data matters: how missing data undermines equitable societies
We joined the CogXtra session on The Tech We Want: An Ethical Approach to Innovation.
Society and people: systemic racial injustice and cleaning up our own house
What should the Ada Lovelace Institute do to address systemic racial injustice?
International Women’s Day: celebrating the Black women tackling bias in AI
This year’s International Women’s Day theme ‘Each for Equal’ has particular resonance for Black women who experience discrimination.