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A learning curve?
A Iandscape review of AI and education in the UK
Now you are speaking my language: why minoritised LLMs matter
How to ensure AI systems in 'low-resource' languages thrive
Code & conduct
How to create third-party auditing regimes for AI systems
Inform, educate, entertain… and recommend?
Exploring the use and ethics of recommendation systems in public service media
Voices in the Code: A Story about People, Their Values, and the Algorithm They Made
David G. Robinson in conversation with Professor Shannon Vallor
The rule of trust
Findings from citizens’ juries on the good governance of data in pandemics.
The Ryder Review
Independent legal review of the governance of biometric data in England and Wales
The need for new legislation to govern biometric technologies in the UK
AI-driven biometry and the infrastructures of everyday life
Normalising the principles of oppression through discriminatory technologies
From principles to practice: what next for algorithmic impact assessments?
We are convening experts from policy, industry, healthcare and AI ethics to discuss our recent case study and the future of AIAs.
Realising the potential of algorithmic accountability mechanisms
Seven design challenges for the successful implementation of algorithmic impact assessments
Algorithmic impact assessment: a case study in healthcare
This report sets out the first-known detailed proposal for the use of an algorithmic impact assessment for data access in a healthcare context