Browse the Ada Lovelace Institute website.
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Living online: the long-term impact on wellbeing
The Ada Lovelace Institute and Health Foundation’s response to the House of Lords COVID-19 Committee’s call for evidence
Regulating for algorithm accountability: global trajectories, proposals and risks
Exploring how we can ensure that algorithmic systems and those deploying them are truly accountable
Accountability for algorithms: a response to the CDEI review into bias in algorithmic decision-making
Reviewing bias is welcome, and stopping the amplification of historic inequalities is essential.
Legal mechanisms for data stewardship
A working group to explore different legal structures that support responsible management of data.
Building evidence
Building evidence, through research and public engagement, to secure the legal, technical, economic and societal conditions for an equitable society
Fostering an informed public dialogue
Ensuring that the UK public are equipped to take part in democratic decision making, and that public voices are heard in policy and technology.
Changing practices, policies and laws
How we use our work to effect changes in the ways data and data-driven technologies are developed, governed and regulated
Rapid, online deliberation on COVID-19 technologies
Rapid, online deliberation with 28 members of the public on COVID-19 exit strategies.
Our strategy 2019-2020
Public understanding, ethical guidance and legal frameworks have not kept up with the development of data-driven and AI technologies.
Exploring principles for data stewardship
An open set of case studies exploring principles for data stewardship.
No green lights, no red lines
Lessons to assist Government and policymakers navigating difficult dilemmas when deploying data-driven technologies to manage the pandemic
Reinventing online platforms: is the new EU regulatory package enough?
Without mandatory interoperability, will the Digital Markets Act and Digital Service Act be enough to reset the rules for big tech?