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Early findings and emerging questions on the use of AI in genomics
Keeping an eye on AI
Approaches to government monitoring of the AI landscape
AI assurance?
Assessing and mitigating risks across the AI lifecycle
Climate tech for all?
The equality implications of AI-for-climate solutions.
Supporting AI research ethics committees
Exploring solutions to the unique ethical risks that are emerging in association with data science and AI research.
Looking before we leap
Expanding ethical review processes for AI and data science research
Exploring the role of public participation in commercial AI labs
What public participation approaches are being used by the technology sector?
AI and genomics futures
This joint project with the Nuffield Council on Bioethics explores how AI is transforming the capabilities and practice of genomic science.
Algorithmic impact assessment: a case study in healthcare
This report sets out the first-known detailed proposal for the use of an algorithmic impact assessment for data access in a healthcare context
Technical methods for regulatory inspection of algorithmic systems
A survey of auditing methods for use in regulatory inspections of online harms in social media platforms
Algorithmic impact assessment in healthcare
A research partnership with NHS AI Lab exploring the potential for algorithmic impact assessments (AIAs) in an AI imaging case study.
Regulatory inspection of algorithmic systems
Establishing mechanisms and methods for regulatory inspection of algorithmic systems, sometimes known as 'algorithm audit'.