Browse the Ada Lovelace Institute website.
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The case for collective action against the harms of data-driven technologies
To what extent are the GDPR's data rights an effective tool for enabling collective action?
Exploring the role of public participation in commercial AI labs
What public participation approaches are being used by the technology sector?
Rethinking data and rebalancing digital power
What is a more ambitious vision for data use and regulation that can deliver a positive shift in the digital ecosystem towards people and society?
Voices in the Code: A Story about People, Their Values, and the Algorithm They Made
David G. Robinson in conversation with Professor Shannon Vallor
How will data-driven climate change technologies affect global equality?
The role of data-driven adaptation technologies in the climate crisis
A knotted pipeline
Data-driven systems and inequalities in health and social care
The way ahead on AI liability issues
Will the developing EU liability framework for regulating AI prove sufficient?
A culture of ethical AI
What steps can organisers of AI conferences take to encourage ethical reflection by the AI research community?
The rule of trust
Findings from citizens’ juries on the good governance of data in pandemics.
AI and genomics futures Advisory Board
The AI and genomics futures Advisory Board is a panel of external experts providing advice on the structure, delivery and approach of the project.
Rethinking data working group
The Rethinking data working group was established to guide the Ada Lovelace Institute’s thinking on the future of data governance and regulation
International call for input: effectiveness and social impact of vaccine certificates and digital contact tracing
An open call for input from public health officials, civil society organisations, researchers and members of the public