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‘The computer won’t do that’
Exploring the impact of clinical information systems in primary care on transgender and non-binary adults
AI-powered genomic health prediction should not be widely rolled out across the NHS yet, says new report
The Ada Lovelace Institute and the Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCOB) have published a new report on AI-powered genomic health prediction (AIGHP).
Predicting: The future of health?
Assessing the potential, risks and appropriate role of AI-powered genomic health prediction in the UK health system
Predicting: The future of health?
Assessing the potential, risks and appropriate role of AI-powered genomic health prediction in the UK health system
Genomics, AI and the politics of a data-first approach to medical evidence
What are the consequences of new forms of data-driven methods for health outcomes?
Evaluating data-driven COVID-19 technologies through a human-centred approach
What we can learn from missing evidence on digital contact tracing and vaccine passports?
Tackling health and social inequalities in data-driven systems
The event follows a three-year long programme of research, conducted in partnership with The Health Foundation.
Access denied?
Socioeconomic inequalities in digital health services
Early findings and emerging questions on the use of AI in genomics
Gender and AI
How does the use of data-driven systems exacerbate inequalities in access to primary healthcare for transgender and non-binary people in the UK?
Pandemic preparedness and public health in the algorithmic age
Lessons from the App Store: Insights and learnings from COVID-19 technologies
Lessons from the App Store
Insights and learnings from COVID-19 technologies