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AI-powered genomic health prediction should not be widely rolled out across the NHS yet, says new report
The Ada Lovelace Institute and the Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCOB) have published a new report on AI-powered genomic health prediction (AIGHP).
How can (A)I help?
An exploration of AI assistants
Ada Lovelace Institute statement on the King’s Speech
Gaia Marcus, Director of the Ada Lovelace Institute, responds to the 2024 King's Speech.
It’s time to strengthen data protection law for the AI era
How improving the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill can help ensure that AI and data work for people and society
Regulating AI in the UK
Recommendations to strengthen the Government's proposed framework
The Ada Lovelace Institute in 2022
Ada’s Director Carly Kind reflects on the last year and looks ahead to 2023
Rethinking data and rebalancing power: building a digital ecosystem that works for people and society
This virtual event aims to catalyse discussion by convening organisations to share their reflections on building a more positive future for data.
The role of collective action in ensuring data justice
Five preconditions to protecting people from data-driven collective harms
How the GDPR can exacerbate power asymmetries and collective data harms
Exploring how power asymmetries operate across the law and collective harms
The case for collective action against the harms of data-driven technologies
To what extent are the GDPR's data rights an effective tool for enabling collective action?
Rethinking data and rebalancing digital power
What is a more ambitious vision for data use and regulation that can deliver a positive shift in the digital ecosystem towards people and society?
The rule of trust
Findings from citizens’ juries on the good governance of data in pandemics.