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Evaluating data-driven COVID-19 technologies through a human-centred approach
What we can learn from missing evidence on digital contact tracing and vaccine passports?
Pandemic preparedness and public health in the algorithmic age
Lessons from the App Store: Insights and learnings from COVID-19 technologies
Lessons from the App Store
Insights and learnings from COVID-19 technologies
Governments must learn ‘clear lessons’ from the use of digital technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 was the first global health crisis of ‘the algorithmic age’.
The rule of trust
Findings from citizens’ juries on the good governance of data in pandemics.
Checkpoints for vaccine passports
Requirements that governments and developers will need to deliver in order for any vaccine passport system to deliver societal benefit
The data divide
Public attitudes to tackling social and health inequalities in the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
What place should COVID-19 vaccine passports have in society?
Findings from a rapid expert deliberation to consider the risks and benefits of the potential roll-out of digital vaccine passports
Learning data lessons: data access and sharing during COVID-19
Findings from an expert workshop exploring lessons learned from data-driven initiatives that emerged in response to COVID-19.
Living online: the long-term impact on wellbeing
The Ada Lovelace Institute and Health Foundation’s response to the House of Lords COVID-19 Committee’s call for evidence
No green lights, no red lines
Lessons to assist Government and policymakers navigating difficult dilemmas when deploying data-driven technologies to manage the pandemic
Confidence in a crisis?
Findings of a public online deliberation project on attitudes to the use of COVID-19 related technologies for transitioning out of lockdown