Our projects take evidence-based approaches to explore specific uses of data and AI at the intersection of technology and society
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Gender and AI
How does the use of data-driven systems exacerbate inequalities in access to primary healthcare for transgender and non-binary people in the UK?
Foundation models in the public sector
A rapid review of the development and deployment of foundation models in the UK public sector.
Data analytics in local government
What are the challenges faced by local authorities in deploying data analytics in public services?
Climate tech for all?
The equality implications of AI-for-climate solutions.
COVID-19 technologies: international evidence, policy and practice
This project builds on work undertaken by the Ada Lovelace Institute in 2020 and 2021 to rapidly track, monitor and understand COVID-19 technologies.
How do people feel about AI?
A nationally representative survey of the British public.
Private-sector data for public good: modelling data access mandates
This project aims to model the legal backbone necessary for enabling access to data mandates in practice.
Supporting AI research ethics committees
Exploring solutions to the unique ethical risks that are emerging in association with data science and AI research.
Exploring the role of public participation in commercial AI labs
What public participation approaches are being used by the technology sector?
Independent legal review of the governance of biometric data in England and Wales
An independent legal review of the governance of biometric data, commissioned by the Ada Lovelace Institute and led by Matthew Ryder KC.
AI and genomics futures
This joint project with the Nuffield Council on Bioethics explores how AI is transforming the capabilities and practice of genomic science.
Rethinking data and rebalancing digital power
What is a more ambitious vision for data use and regulation that can deliver a positive shift in the digital ecosystem towards people and society?